
Zoroastrian Holy Marriage

Pirart, Éric. 2023. Hiérogamie mazdéenne. Présentation, texte, traduction et commentaire des deux dernières Gāϑā et de leurs annexes (uniés 51, 52, 53 et 54 du Yasna) (Supplementa 2). Girona: Sociedad de estudios iranios y turanios (SEIT).

In a radical departure from the method of Jean Kellens, which is both intuitive and reserved, Éric Pirart, with Hiérogamie mazdéenne (Mazdean Hierogamy), revisits the last archaic texts of Zoroastrianism and their appendices (Yasna 51-54), while ensuring that nothing is left untranslated or without grammatical explanation and that the etymology of all the words is examined on the basis of systematic criteria. In these texts, contemporary with the prophet Zaraϑustra, he looks for the features that differentiate them from the rest of Zoroastrian literature.

Table of Contents

  • Abréviations et symboles
  • Avant-propos
  • Chapitre I. La Vohuxšarϑrā Gāϑā
  • Chapitre II. La Vaŋhucā Hāiti
  • Chapitre III. La Vaŋhištōišti Gāϑā
  • Chapitre IV L’Airiiaman Išiia
  • Marginale I. Le Yātu Āxtiia
  • Marginale II. Le zand d’āžuš
  • Marginale III. Le sexe de Vénus
  • Marginale IV. Haōma est là
  • Lexique