Table of Contents
- M. Alram: “Ein Schatzfund des Hunnen-Königs Mihirakula”
- G. Asatrian: “Middle Iranian Lexical Archaisms in Armenian Dialects”
- H.R. Baghbidi: “Three Etymological Notes”
- C.G. Cereti: “A Short Note on MHDA 38”
- J. Cheung: “On the Origin of the Terms “Afghan” & “Pashtun” (Again)”
- C.A. Ciancaglini: “Phonology, Etymology and Transcription Issues of Middle Persian Final Sequences ‹-lg› and ‹-lkꞌ›”
- I. Colditz: “Another Fragment of the “Parable on the Female Hearer Xybrʾ”?”
- M. Dandamayev: “Indian Soldiers in Achaemenid Babylonia”
- A. de Jong: “The Women Who Witnessed Zoroaster’s Birth”
- D. Durkin-Meisterernst: “Yima’s anādruxti-“
- E. Filippone: “On the Meaning of Avestan nāuuiia– and Pahlavi *nāydāg“
- Ph. Gignoux: “Sur les noms de personnes et quelques particularités linguistiques d’une nouvelle collection privée de parchemins pehlevis”
- R. Gyselen: “Formules moyen-perses et monogrammes sassanides”
- A. Hintze: “The Advance of the Daēnā: The Vištāsp Yašt and an Obscure Word in the Hāδōxt Nask“
- H. Humbach: “Zarathushtra and the Balance”
- J. Josephson: “The Pahlavi Psalter as a Translation”
- J. Kellens: “Les Gâthâs dites de Zarathusthra“
- G. Lazard: “Les racines de la langue persane”
- P. Lecoq: “Le -a final en vieux perse”
- C. Leurini: “The Virgins and the Bride: Matt. 25:1 in the Manichaean Middle Persian Fragment M36”
- P.B. Lurje: “More on Sogdian Versification: Translated and Original Compositions“
- M. Macuch: “A Legal Controversy from the Sasanian Period in a Late Pahlavi Rivāyat Text”
- M. Maggi: “Annotations on the Book of Zambasta, IV: Ronald E. Emmerick’s Notes”
- E. Morano: “The Jackals and the Elephant: A Manichaean Sogdian Tale in Manichaean Script. With an Appendix with Corrections to Previously Edited Fragments of Tales“
- É. Pirart: “Les Soleils de l’Avesta”
- A. Piras: “X˅arǝnah– and the Garlands. Notes about the Avestan and Manichaean Yima“
- E. Provasi: “Some Notes on Sogdian Phonology: Prothetic Aleph and Labialised Velars”
- Ch. Reck: “Form and Emptiness: A Fragment of a Sogdian Version of the Heart Sutra?”
- A.V. Rossi: “Ten Years of Achaemenid Philology: Old Persian &
Achaemenid Elamite 2006-2016” - G. Scarcia: “Alla ricerca di un Ur-Farhâd: Hercules patiens, magnetico signor dottore, scalpellino, feldmaresciallo mecenate?”
- R. Schmitt: “Der Flußgott Oxos in der iranischen Anthroponymie”
- M. Schwartz: “An Achaemenid Position, and Gathic Composition:
OPers. *grasta-(pati-), OAv. grə̄hma-, and PIE √gʰres“ - Sh. Shaked: “Zoroastrian Views on Suffering”
- N. Sims-Williams: “The Name of the Kushan Goddess Ομμα”
- P.O. Skjærvø: “Khotanese Land Purchase Deeds”
- D. Weber: “Bemerkungen zu einigen Personennamen in den neuen Dokumenten aus Tabaristan”
- G. Windfuhr: “The Enigmatic kurušag Ewe that Nursed Infant Zarathushtra, and the Precession of the Equinoxes”
- E. Yarshater: “Tāti Dialects”
- Y. Yoshida: “A Manichaean Middle Persian Fragment Preserved in the Kyōushooku Library, Osaka, Japan”
- P. Zieme: “Ein altuigurisches Fragment zur manichäischen Ethik”