This volume presents a collection of academic papers (mostly have been presented in the context of academic conferences) on different aspects of the Avestan and Zoroastrian studies, based on a very detailed philological and linguistic examination of various texts and concepts and in all its phonological, morphological, syntactical, semantic, and etymological aspects.
Table of Contents
- Preface 7
- Publications Helmut Humbach
- Herz – Feuer – Seele. Bekehrung im vorgeschichtlichen Iran
- The Avestan world with particular reference to the Mihr Yašt (Yt. 10,14-15)
- The first chapter of the Avestan Vidēvdād
- ‘Wind’ an Old Iranian Deity
- Haoma Dūraoša and Grass in Zarathushtra’s Gāthās
- Zarathushtra, Gāthic Poetry, and the Two Spirits