Dobroruka, Vicente. 2022. Persian influence on Daniel and Jewish apocalyptic literature (Jewish and Christian Texts in Context and related Studies, 19). London: Bloomsbury.

Vicente Dobroruka explores Iranian influence on Second Temple Judaism, providing a new explanation of Persian culture and history in the context of biblical accounts by focusing on the spread of Zoroastrian ideas in the period c.300 BCE–200 CE.
Dobroruka begins his investigation with an overview of the problems posed by a dualistic worldview-he examines the Indo-European origins of Zarathushtra and his ideas, explores the long-term implications for the notion of free-will, and clarifies the lightness/darkness paradigm that originated in Persia. Following this, Dobroruka discusses a variety of concepts that illustrate this influence, such as the role of matter and the material world, aspects of dualism and the cosmic struggle, the perspectives on the rewards for the just and the opposing punishments for the wicked, the idea of an ‘Anointed One’, shamanistic visionary experience, the resurrection, and the concepts of Sheol and Paradise.
Table of Contents
Foreword James H. Charlesworth
Chapter 1: Good and Evil – Light and Darkness in the ‘War Scroll’ from Qumran and in the World Portrayed in Avestan Scripture and Related Material.
Chapter 2: Rewards and Punishment: When Matter Matters
Chapter 3: Redeemers
Chapter 4: Visionary Experiences
Chapter 5: Resurrection
Chapter 6: Paradise Lost and Found
Appendix: Dating theTexts