
Learn Persian

Alam, Mahmood. 2023. Learn Persian: Grammar and Workbook for Elementary and Intermediate Levels. London: Routledge.

Learn Persian has a step-by-step organized and structured framework of modern Persian words; grammar, short syntactical phrases and idiomatic expressions. Persian has a lot of common words and sounds from Arabic and Urdu; this work highlights vowels and consonants that are covered in the formation of words and sounds with apt precision. The special feature of this book is its simplicity, yet meaningful and comprehensiveness for the study of the language. This should be a good source book for new learners, as well as for those who want to explore the harmony and flair of Persian.

It would undoubtedly open doors to a Persian heritage as much as it slowly trains the eager learner in spoken Persian as well. Learn Persian will interest both learners and experts, and an excellent experience of coming across Persian as an interesting living language.