
Innovation in Persian Period Judah

Middlemas, Jill. 2023. Innovation in Persian Period Judah: Royal and Temple Ideology in Its Ancient Near East Setting. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.

This volume provides an overview of the attitude towards the monarchy and the temple in Achaemenid Yehud in a comparative perspective. It provides a thorough overview of a series of discussions about the extent of Persian influence on the ideology of Second Temple Judaism by some of the leading experts in the field.

Table of contents:

I. Conceptions of the King and Kingship Louis Jonker: Is the book of Chronicles Yehud’s equivalent of Bisitun? Or Is the book of Chronicles Yehud’s equivalent of Bisitun? Interaction between biblical writings and royal Persian inscriptions from the late Achaemenid period – Bernard Gosse: David and Moses in Postexilic Times – W. Dennis Tucker: Creation, Kingship, and the Reframing of the Monarchy in the Psalter: A Comparative Analysis – Deirdre N. Fulton: »Seeking the God of his Father«: Examining King Josiah’s Early Reforms in 2 Chronicles 34 in Light of Persian Period Kingship

II. Conceptions of the Temple

Jason M. Silverman: Imperial Chapels or Oratories of Resistance? Differential Integration of Temples in the Persian Empire – Daniel Bodi: The Temple in Persian Times as a Viable Economic Entity: A Comparison of Jerusalem’s Temple and Uruk’s Eanna – Samasoni Moleli: Cultic worship with a נכרי according to 1 Kings 8:41–43 – Gard Granerød: What were the Elephantine Judaeans’ Conceptions of YHW? Aspects of Elephantine Judaean Temple Theology